Kiddo #3 Builds a Spaceship

Back in December, I left the Fed Commander Distant Kingdoms product and some of its boosters laying around the house.

Kiddo #3, who has since turned 5, was fascinated by the ships on the front and the
diagrams inside, and asked me all sorts of questions about them. When I came
home one night, he was very happy to show me that he had made some
spaceships that bore more than a casual resemblance to some WYN and Hydran
ships. There were certain limitations of his chosen medium (MegaBloks), of
course, but overall they were pretty good representations.

Some time later, I left around a copy of the Star Fleet Games Captain’s Log magazine. Kiddo #3 found it and decided to build a trimaran Lyran spaceship. This time, I took a picture.

Kiddo #3's Spaceship

Kiddo #3's Spaceship

I think he did pretty well, don’t you?

Explore posts in the same categories: Star Fleet Battles and Federation Commander

One Comment on “Kiddo #3 Builds a Spaceship”

  1. karen ^.,.^ Says:

    i think he did an awesome job! and what a handsome young man he is!! 🙂

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